Are you in Smallfield and looking for the best service providers in the world of the ceiling business? Look no further, you are in the right place. Surrey Ceilings Ltd is the company is your go-to company with the services. We offer top notch services at a very cost-effective price.
When considering the right panel ceiling for your Smallfield home or apartment, there are questions that come to mind; which panel ceiling will be the perfect fit for your home, which shape, colour, and size you should go for. Why brainstorm on all these when Surrey Ceilings Ltd have professionals to help you tackle your ceiling needs.
However, if you wouldn’t need help deciding on the perfect panel ceiling for your apartment, we have highly experienced experts that can neatly install the panel ceiling and come up with the best result in a short time.
One of the best and smart choice to make is calling on us to get started. With over five decades in the business, you can be rest assured to get the best of panel ceilings that are colourful, highly durable, waterproof, and high resistance to fire. Give us a call or send us a mail today!

(Chertsey Office): 01932 874568
Mobile: 07801 493165
Mobile: 07470 327406
Summary: Surrey Ceilings Ltd is a renowned ceiling contractor that offers a range of top-notch services at cost-effective prices. Situated in Smallfield, the company has over five decades of experience in the business and an impressive roster of commercial and business clients. Their services include the design and installation of panel ceilings, suspended ceilings and plasterboard ceilings among other types of ceiling finishes.
Usage: Surrey Ceilings Ltd is the ideal solution for all of your ceiling needs in Smallfield. Their team of professionals can help you decide which type of ceiling is the perfect fit for your home, whether it be by shape, colour or size. If you already know what you want, they also offer an expert installation service to ensure the best possible results.
Furthermore, Surrey Ceilings Ltd thrives on its strength of a rich history in the business, having been established in 1969. Reliable and affordable, they offer panel ceilings that are not just aesthetically pleasing but also durable, waterproof and fire-resistant. For any ceiling-related enquiries, you can contact Surrey Ceilings Ltd on either their Horsham office, Chertsey Office or send an email.
Our Clients
Our impressive roster of clients primarily includes large business and commercial customers, including the following:
Surrey County Council
Woking Borough Council
Guildford Borough Council
Waverley Borough Council
major property maintenance consultants, such as Mouchel Parkman, WS Atkins and DHP
local building contractors
local businesses.
Suspended Ceilings - Projects
Surrey Ceilings Ltd is a leading ceiling contractor, who specialize in the design and installation of suspended and plasterboard ceilings along with all type of ceiling finishes. Established back in 1969 as a family run business, Surrey Ceilings continues to grow by servicing and maintaining all our new and existing customers to the highest possible standards.
If you have a ceiling enquiry, please feel free to call us on 01932 874568

Surrey Ceilings
Unit 1, Russett Place,
West Sussex, RH14 0QQ
01932 874568
Mobile: 07801 493165

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