Using the right kind of ceiling for your home will greatly enhance the appearance of your Horley home. A deteriorating ceiling is a big-time problem. Cracked plaster, water stains and sagging drywall that can’t be hidden by painting is a course for serious attention and a radical approach needs to be taken to remedy the situation.
Lucky for us all, there are a number of quite affordable and easy-to-execute options, and this includes some of the options that you may have in the past dismissed as being too low-end.
One such example is acoustic ceiling panels. There was a time when people will hardly use acoustic ceiling panels for the prominent areas of their Horley home, restricting their use to house parts such as basements. But in recent times, it’s a different story altogether. In fact, acoustic ceiling panels are so popular today that they are usually the ceiling panels of choice in professional establishments such as schools, meeting rooms and the likes. This is because they improve sound quality and enable people to hear each other clearly when having a conversation.
Acoustic ceiling panels might just be the best choice for your Horley property, so contact us today at Surrey Ceilings Limited to guide you to achieve your dream look for your Horley home.

(Chertsey Office): 01932 874568
Mobile: 07801 493165
Mobile: 07470 327406
Improving the ceiling of your Horley home can greatly enhance its appearance and resolve any issues related to deteriorating plaster, water stains, and sagging drywall. A cost-effective and popular option for this is the installation of acoustic ceiling panels. These panels not only improve the aesthetic appeal of the home but also enhance the sound quality, making it easier for conversations to be heard clearly. Surrey Ceilings Ltd., a leading ceiling contractor, can guide you in choosing the right ceiling for your home.
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Choosing the right ceiling can completely transform the look of your Horley, UK, home. Issues such as crumbling plaster, water marks and drooping drywall cannot be ignored, necessitating a serious and complete solution. Thankfully, numerous affordable and easy-to-implement options, like acoustic ceiling panels, are now available. Commonly used solely in basements, these panels are now a desired choice for high-visibility areas in the home, creating an enhanced audio environment and a pleasing aesthetic.
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The growing popular choice of acoustic ceiling panels is not restricted to homes but extends to professional establishments like schools and meeting rooms. These panels serve the dual purpose of upgrading the look of the property and also ensuring supreme sound quality, facilitating clearer conversation. Given these advantages, they may be the best choice for your Horley property. Surrey Ceilings Ltd, a top-notch ceiling contractor, offers consultation and services to help you accomplish the perfect look for your home.
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Surrey Ceilings Ltd, established in 1969, is a family-run business specialising in the design and fitting of suspended and plasterboard ceilings along with a variety of ceiling finishes. The company initially serviced large business and commercial customers and is renowned for maintaining high standards. If you are interested in improving your ceiling or have any ceiling-related query, feel free to reach out to Surrey Ceilings Ltd on 01932 874568.
Our Clients
Our impressive roster of clients primarily includes large business and commercial customers, including the following:
Surrey County Council
Woking Borough Council
Guildford Borough Council
Waverley Borough Council
major property maintenance consultants, such as Mouchel Parkman, WS Atkins and DHP
local building contractors
local businesses.
Suspended Ceilings - Projects
Surrey Ceilings Ltd is a leading ceiling contractor, who specialize in the design and installation of suspended and plasterboard ceilings along with all type of ceiling finishes. Established back in 1969 as a family run business, Surrey Ceilings continues to grow by servicing and maintaining all our new and existing customers to the highest possible standards.
If you have a ceiling enquiry, please feel free to call us on 01932 874568

Surrey Ceilings
Unit 1, Russett Place,
West Sussex, RH14 0QQ
01932 874568
Mobile: 07801 493165

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