When you get your bills at the end of the month, you may often wish that they could be a little bit lower. If this is a feeling that you have a lot in your property in Leigh Hill then you may want to make the most of a suspended ceiling.
It can make your property cheaper to run because:
– It can keep heat in your room, and this means that it won’t cost you as much money to heat it as it might have done in the past. This should be reflected on your gas bill, and you are sure to notice the difference.
– The materials that are used are great at reflecting light around the room, which means that any light you have in there will look even better – so you won’t need to put on as many bulbs to make the room look light and bright at all times.
You will always want to be doing things that will reduce the bills at your Leigh Hill home, so if this sounds like something that you would be interested in, get in touch with us today. You could find that a suspended ceiling is just the investment that you need to save money in the long term.

(Chertsey Office): 01932 874568
Mobile: 07801 493165
Mobile: 07470 327406
E-Mail: info@surreyceilingsltd.co.uk
Summary: Suspended ceilings offer a cost-effective solution for property owners in Leigh Hill, reducing energy costs and cutting down on lighting needs. A suspended ceiling retains heat, reducing heating bills, and acts as an excellent light diffuser, minimising the need for multiple light sources. Surrey Ceilings Ltd offers expert design, installation, and ceiling finishes for suspended and plasterboard ceilings. Existing clients include larger business and commercial customers.
Usage 1: Suspended ceilings could be of interest to property owners in Leigh Hill looking for ways to reduce their monthly energy bills. They retain heat and do not require as many light sources, resulting in direct savings. Surrey Ceilings Ltd, with offices in Horsham and Chertsey, specialise in creating suspended and plasterboard ceilings.
Usage 2: A reduction in energy bills is possible for Leigh Hill property owners who invest in a suspended ceiling from Surrey Ceilings Ltd. These ceilings help keep rooms warmer by retaining heat and also amplify existing light sources, reducing the need for additional lighting.
Usage 3: Surrey Ceilings Ltd offers suspended ceilings services, which may appeal to Leigh Hill property owners looking to lower their utility costs. These ceilings enhance the light in a room and increase heat retention, offering both aesthetic and functional benefits.
Usage 4: Leigh Hill property owners interested in reducing their energy costs could consider getting a suspended ceiling from Surrey Ceilings Ltd. The design of these ceilings not only increases the light wavelength in a room but also enhances heat retention.
Our Clients
Our impressive roster of clients primarily includes large business and commercial customers, including the following:
Surrey County Council
Woking Borough Council
Guildford Borough Council
Waverley Borough Council
major property maintenance consultants, such as Mouchel Parkman, WS Atkins and DHP
local building contractors
local businesses.
Suspended Ceilings - Projects
Surrey Ceilings Ltd is a leading ceiling contractor, who specialize in the design and installation of suspended and plasterboard ceilings along with all type of ceiling finishes. Established back in 1969 as a family run business, Surrey Ceilings continues to grow by servicing and maintaining all our new and existing customers to the highest possible standards.
If you have a ceiling enquiry, please feel free to call us on 01932 874568

Surrey Ceilings
Unit 1, Russett Place,
West Sussex, RH14 0QQ
01932 874568
Mobile: 07801 493165
Email: info@surreyceilingsltd.co.uk

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